Iris 23rd May 2022

Remembering this soul today, May 30, 1971 to May 23, 2013. 9 years gone. I cannot believe next year will be 10! I’m lucky to have the flexibility to choose not to be at work today. It was on May 23, 2013, when I was leaving work that the Police showed up to tell me news no one ever wants to get. I recently read something from Brene Brown’s book, Atlas of the Heart, that sums up the many emotions that comes with a death that is sudden, traumatic and unexpected. “Anguish not only takes away our ability to breathe, feel, and think - it comes for our bones. Anguish often causes us to physically crumple in on ourselves, literally bringing us to our knees or forcing us all the way to the ground. The element of powerlessness is what makes anguish traumatic. We are unable to change, reverse or negotiate what has happened”. (Brene Brown - Atlas of the Heart).